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ZCE系列紙漿脫氣器/ ZCE Series Pulp Deaerator

用 途 :







裝置在紙機(jī)上漿系統(tǒng)的ZCE系列脫氣器,將從除渣器來(lái)的漿料,以壓力送入多支進(jìn)漿管,通過(guò)高旋轉(zhuǎn)速率的噴嘴,強(qiáng)烈地噴射到脫氣器的頂部,使?jié){料分散成許多小液滴,并形成一層沿著脫氣器的圓柱形表面運(yùn)動(dòng)的液膜;而脫氣器內(nèi)的真空度對(duì)漿料產(chǎn)生沸騰的作用,使?jié){料中的游離氣體和氣泡在低壓下開始膨脹;并撞擊破裂,其殘留和結(jié)合的空氣也被有效地分離噴射、撞擊、沸騰等三個(gè)物理作用,使?jié){料中的空氣100%脫出,纖維絮聚也得到疏解。同時(shí),將漿料濃度波動(dòng)分劃為微小的獨(dú)立成分單體,并在脫氣器器體內(nèi)停留一定時(shí)間, 在特殊設(shè)計(jì)的堰板作用下,使?jié){流在脫氣器內(nèi)成反向流動(dòng),而有效地控制頻率高于0.03Hz的漿流脈動(dòng)和濃度波動(dòng)。


漿料通過(guò)除渣器中的Spinjet 低壓降噴射器噴嘴,噴嘴的噴射效果最大限度地?cái)U(kuò)大液滴的暴露面積,提高空氣的去除率。


漿料沖擊到脫氣器的頂部, 打碎漿料中的纖維束,使 粘附在纖維上的氣泡脫離。脫氣器的內(nèi)表面,可以防 止任何結(jié)垢出現(xiàn)。




Manufactured under the license of Andritze-Ahlstrom,ZCE series deaerator is a kind of key equipment for the flow approach system in modern paper machine. The equipment is arranged between the cleaner and low-pulse paper machine screen for separating and Removing 100% air in pulp. It eliminates pulp's fluctuations of pressure, flow or consistency before the pulp goes into the headbox so that pulp's stability will be kept in favor of sheet formation and quality stability.

Design Features:

Realizing complete deaeration of the pulp onto the wire by physical actions such as jet flow and falling film, hydraulic impact on surface, vacuum and dwell time etc.

Realizing the stability of the consistency as well as flow and pressure of the pulp which enters the head box so that paper's basis weight varies little and paper quality will be significantly improved.

Preventing slime pulp from producing, preventing foaming, reducing the accumulation of dirty materials so as to improve the dewatering of wire end and get better paper formation.Structure Principles

Structure Principle:

ZCE series deaerator consists of pulp-feeding jet manifold, nozzles with high rotational velocity and low pressure-drop, overflow slice and deaerator's body etc.

Mounted in the flow approach system of a paper machine, ZCE series deaerator feeds the stock which comes from the cleaner into

the pulp-feeding manifold by pressure and then goes through the nozzles with high rotational velocity, the stock is jetted intensively onto the roof of the deaerator, where the stock is dispersed into a lot of droplets and a layer of fluid-flim is formed, which moves along a cylindrical surface. And the boiling action, which is generated by the vacuum in the deaerator, makes the free air and bubbles in the stock expend, impact and break under low pressure so that the remained and combined air is effectively acted by three physical actions: separately jetting, impacting and boiling, thus the air in the stock will be 100% removed and fiber flocculation will also be mitigated. Simultaneously pulp's consistency fluctuation is divided into tiny monomers with independent component, and the monomers will dwell in the deaerator for a certain time; and being acted by the specially designed slice, the pulp flow is made flow in the opposite direction so that the pulp-flow pulsations whose frequency are higher than 0.03Hz and consistency fluctuation will be controlled effectively.

Spraying The stock is fed through low-pressure-drop Spinjet nozzles which are located in the cleaner. The effect is to create a spray to maximize the exposed droplet surface area and enhance air removal.

Impingement The hydraulic impact of stock against the roof of the de- aerator breaks down fiber bundles and releases bound air bubbles. The deaerator interior is highly polished to prevent any build-up of deposits.

Boiling The absolute pressure in the deaerator is maintained at the boil- ing point corresponding to the stock temperature by using a self-regu- lating vacuum system, which en- sures that all the air released in the deaerator is removed

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