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ZSC62(TC132)系列離心除渣器/ ZSC62 (TC132) Series Centrifugal Cleaner

用 途 :

ZSC62(TC132)系列離心除渣器是引進安德里茲――奧斯龍公司的TC132除渣器技術(shù)許可制造的一種最佳凈化效 能和最小纖維損失的離心除渣器,廣泛應(yīng)用于紙機上漿系統(tǒng)、廢紙制漿與脫墨系統(tǒng)。最有效地去除紙漿中的熱熔物、油墨、纖維束及細小幾何形狀的輕、重雜質(zhì)。漿料用于抄造高質(zhì)量的紙張,不出現(xiàn)超標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的污點與塵埃。


ZSC62(TC132)系列離心除渣器由除渣器單元、排渣錐體、進出漿管、排渣管及支架等組成。一定壓力(保持標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 壓力差Pmin=130KPa)的漿料從進漿管送入除渣器,漿料射流在除渣器單元內(nèi)進行離心渦流運動。通過對運行的漿料濃度、運行壓力差和粗渣率三要素的相互調(diào)整,以達到最大的效率和運行性能,達到最小的纖維損失。


各段除渣器在其標(biāo)準(zhǔn)壓差或稍高點的壓差下運行, 既能達到極高的凈化效率,又能達到除渣器的最低磨損率。裝置OK型排渣錐體的特殊的纖維回收段,使除渣器系統(tǒng)的纖維損失降到最低。



通過量: 2×6.5dm3/s=13dm3/s (780L/min)

標(biāo)準(zhǔn)壓差 : 130KPa


With TC132 cleaner technology licensed by Andritz-Ahlstrom, ZSC62 (TC132) series centrifugal cleaner features excellent cleaning efficiency and minimum fiber loss. It is applied extensively in the approach system of paper machine, pulping and deinking system of recycled paper. It can remove hot melt materials, ink particles, fiber lump, fine and geometric-shaped light and heavy impurities from paper stock effectively. It can produce pulp for high quality paper without over-standard stain and dirt contents.

Structure And Operation:

ZSC62 (TC132) series centrifugal cleaner consists of cleaner unit, reject cone, inlet and outlet pipe, reject pipe and support

frame, etc.

The stock flows from inlet pipe under pressure (keeping the nominal pressure difference Pmin=130KPa) into the cleaner. The stock jet generates vortex in the cleaner unit. Stock consistency, pressure difference and reject ratio can be adjusted coordinately for a maximum cleaning efficiency and optimal performance as well as reduce fiber loss to a minimum.

With special stock flow designed for high efficiency in centrifugal cleaning performance, the cleaner units are assembled in parallel and arranged upwardly and vertically,

which results in excellent performance in operation and convenience in installation and maintenance.

When working at its norminal pressure difference or slightly higher in all the cleaning stages, it can keep higher cleaning efficiency with the lowest wear out. With OK-shaped reject cone in fiber recovery stage, it reduc- es the fiber loss to a minimum.

With its module design, it is compact with less space required. And the capacity can be adjusted by combining one or several stan- dard

cleaner units.

Main Performance Parameter: Throughput: 2 ×6.5 dm3/ s= 13dm3/ s (780L/min)

Nominal pressure difference: 130KPa

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